
The Benefits of Cycling

  • Triad Editor
  • Published on 11th Jan 2020
The Benefits of Cycling

There is nothing quite like riding a bicycle, regardless of your age, experience or gender. The sheer experience of sitting on the saddle with the wind in your face is enough to motivate anybody to get outdoors for a spin on two wheels! If that isn’t enough, here are a few benefits of cycling.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Reduced Carbon Footprint

With environmental consciousness being the need of the hour - anything we can do to reduce our carbon footprint works to positively impact climate change. Using a bicycle regularly for short commutes, instead of using a vehicle, will greatly contribute towards an individual’s decreased carbon footprint. If we all adopt the practice of using a bicycle as a means of commuting, we can siginificantly reduce our combined contribution to environmental damage.

Effective form of Regular Exercise

Effective form of Regular Exercise

A bicycle makes a great tool to stay fit, while having fun. Sometimes, regular exercise in a gym or even running (for those not used to it) can be daunting or monotonous. This is where cycling makes for a great form of exercise. Even if one doesn’t kit up and go full on, even leisure cycling over a short distance can help get in some form of exercise on a regular basis. This can slowly be ramped up, based on comfort and practice.

Good for Mental Health

Good for Mental Health

Studies have shown that even 30 minutes on a bicycle is great for one’s mental health. The release of hormones post a ride helps boost one’s mood while also significantly reducing stress levels. Cycling promotes flow of oxygen to your ‘grey matter’ by sparking your neurons and allievating brain fatigue and stress.

Health Benefits

Health Benefits

Numerous studies have linked massive health benefits with cycling. Those who cycle and exercise regularly are at a significantly lower risk of cardiovascular disease, type two diabetes, all types of cancer, high blood pressure and obesity. With regular physical activity, the body becomes much more efficient at defending itself and regenerating new cells. Additionally, one’s immune system improves with regular exercise.

Low Impact Sport

Low Impact Sport

Unlike other high-impact exercises like running, jumping, calisthenics or crossfit, cycling is a relatively gentle workout, that is as beneficial. It engages your whole body without putting too much strain on the bones and joints, which significantly decreases the risk of injuries.

Cost Effective

Cost Effective

Regular cycling as a form of commuting and/or exercise is sure to reflect positively on your bank account. With a bicycle, you needn’t justify that hefty charge of a gym membership that often lies unused till the ‘new year’ rolls around. And what’s more? Using your bicycle for commutes will help you save money spent on fuel, car maintenance etc - which can be put towards sprucing up your bicycle, investing in a second bicycle, buying yourself accessories or apparel - or simply adding it to your savings!

A Good Way to Socialize

A Good Way to Socialize

What better way to make friends than sharing a common hobby or passion? Joining a cycling group in your neighborhood is a great way to socialize and form lasting bonds with like-minded people, while embarking upon numerous outdoor adventures together!


Cycling is a great all-round activity for kids and adults alike. It is a great way to stay active, stay fit and spend quality time with family and friends. Investing in a good cycle can go a long way in terms of health, wealth and happiness! What is stopping you? Go ahead, get on that saddle and experience all that cycling has to offer!